Choosing the Right Church Management System

Choosing a Church Management System (ChMS) can seem overwhelming with the myriad of options available. The right choice needs to be effective, scalable, and tailored to the needs of your congregation. To guide you through this intricate decision, here’s a breakdown of the top three ChMS based on a poll I recently conducted, receiving 150 responses from various churches:

Planning Center Online (PCO)

Claiming 54% popularity in the poll, Planning Center Online stands out as a prevalent ChMS. Initially created to manage worship sets and volunteers, it has broadened its horizons over several years. PCO now encompasses tools for managing people, groups, and events, and has launched a central hub, Church Center, and a website builder.

While it offers a comprehensive all-in-one solution, some users have noted limitations in its flexibility. PCO has a distinctive way of organizing data, which might not align with every church’s operational style, potentially making customization a challenge.

Breeze by Tithely

Breeze ChMS, owned by Tithely, is another strong contender, especially for small to mid-level churches. Over the years, Breeze has significantly expanded its services, providing a more straightforward, integrated solution compared to PCO. It stands out for its ease of management and built-in integrations with other providers. If your church operations are more streamlined, Breeze could be the uncomplicated, easy-to-use solution you need.

Rock RMS

Rock RMS, an open-source ChMS, offers extensive customization and control, allowing it to be tailored precisely to your needs. Despite its flexibility and comprehensive module offerings, the setup can be quite involved. Many churches often require assistance from a Rock RMS provider for configuration, group and event setup, and managing various content channels. However, Rock RMS’s extensive capabilities and customization options become its standout features once established.


  • For churches under 300 members without a tech-savvy office administrator, Breeze is an excellent choice, minimizing training and enabling efficient church management.
  • In the range of 300 to 800 members, Planning Center Online and Breeze remain fantastic options. Choose PCO if it aligns with your church’s operational style.
  • For larger congregations requiring extensive customization, Rock RMS is ideal, provided you’re prepared for the initial setup effort or can engage a provider for setup assistance.

Ultimately, the right ChMS for your church hinges on your specific needs, size, and technical expertise. Take the time to analyze each option, consider your church’s requirements, and make an informed decision to ensure seamless, effective management of your congregation and activities.


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